Hello, humans reading this. I made this poem in July of 2020, and I hope you like it.

Well, here it is:


Commander in cheat. Liar in chief.

The Truth of Trump!!!


My name is president  trump,

And I belong in a dump


I am a racist, sexist, antisemetic,   

And o0o0o, let's not forget  supremacist!


I hate black people, I mean what are they worth? 

I don't need to care, with my billions of dollars worth of net worth.


I'd love to date my daughter,

I mean, if she weren't my daughter

And my wife, she can make salad if there's no food for the footballers.

But I will not even make her do do that, I will just order fast food for thousands of dollars


And all of those poor people, including those with no water,

I don't need to do anything for them, for I have my own golf courses and personal butler.


In total, my total jail time would be ten years for everything I’ve done that broke the law, 

But why should I care? I am the president, I can just lie I have no flaws


I do not believe in climate change, so of course no one else should. 

I do nothing about it, except make it worse, which is destroying our world, the ice caps,  the woods.


As long as I have everything I want, I don't care about the people of America, apart from my rich pals, of course.

When the pandemic started, I let it spread, causing 0ver 100k deaths.

I definitely did not care about it

I did not care one bit when I heard the news of George Floyd’s death.

Because remember, I am a serious racist


In fact in the middle of protesting for justice,

I sent federal agents, fully weapon loaded, 

With no identification whatsoever,

To go arrest anyone for anything as much as they want, and throw as many bullets and tear gas, at their pleasure


 “The protests for justice were peaceful” I hear, 

Uh oh, disaster, I think. There can be nothing peaceful for justice. We have to make them look bad, far and near.

So I sent people out to go to the peaceful protests and cause riots, and fight, 

And it is definitely violent now, what a sight


But when people protest fully armed for no lockdown to get their hair done,

I stop eating my bun, start a press conference, congratulate and encourage them.

The men with the guns.


If you do not know of all the problems that are because of me,

I will tell you the most recent one I have created

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and have no money, 

So millions of Americans shall be evicted 

All because of ME.


The elections are soon, 

So all of a sudden, say at noon,

I say that masks are important, and wear one. 

Because surely that must make me look sensible?

Just as I have just realised that some people are starting to think that I am despicable.


So please, America, don't vote for him

Or else, I am warning you, it will be a complete disaster if he would win

Because remember, he is donald trump,

And where  he belongs, is in the dump .

Sapphire Dalton,  29/07/202


I  made this poem when Donald Trump was still the president 






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